Testimonials from former clients

Explore feedback from past clients about the positive impact my services have made on small to medium-sized organisations and their leadership teams throughout Scotland. These testimonials come from founders, executives, and senior managers across different sectors, who have directly experienced the benefits of coaching and organisational development.

“[…] things still feel much more positive at work and I don't feel like I am struggling which is a huge thing given the circumstances. […] The coaching made me realise I probably didn't have the right type of support, and that I am able to address problems if I have the right help. On a personal level coaching it’s been incredibly helpful at a very difficult time and I suspect I would not be coping very well without it.

Professionally the biggest benefit to the coaching has been to my confidence. I actually view myself differently and feel more able to tackle problems proactively. I also realised that there is a version of myself which I have been suppressing, and that tuning into this has allowed me to feel like I have the leadership qualities I need already which has been quite a profound realisation. Coaching has been the most impactful professional development support I have had during my entire career.”

Manager at a national art charity

“I also wanted to say thank you for your support when you were at the Centre - not sure I expressed at the time what a welcome change your approach was to supporting me and the management team and how much I appreciated it. Thank you.”

Senior Manager of a large carers organisation 

“Your knowledge, experience and leadership style provided [the organisation] with continuity, allowing the business of the centre to continue smoothly. I am also grateful to you for your flexibility in agreeing to stay on beyond the end of the year.”

Chair of a large voluntary organisation

“On behalf of all the board I would like to thank you once again for everything you have done for [the organisation] and the support you have gave us as a team. We have grown and learned so much since you came along. Many thanks.”

Chair of a community organisation

“Florence has helped me in so many ways! I came to her when I was transitioning from a full time job to starting my own business, as it was a big leap and change. She helped me look at this transition with confidence, instead of fear and doubt, which made it exciting and fun! More than that, she helped me stay accountable and see how I work best (as I am now my own boss) and got to the root problem of things I was avoiding. Florence is an excellent coach, she is kind, empathetic, great listener and your biggest cheerleader.”

Individual in professional transition

“It’s a mystery to me what Florence does or how she does it. I just know that in a session something on my mind changes from feeling impossible to straightforward to achieve. My colleague immediately notices when I have had a session - she says it's "like I catch a wave" on a particular area I am working on and it surges me forward and carries me through.”

Organisation Founder

“Florence's help was invaluable in changing my approach to communication with my patients and adapting the clinic to the new environment. I could face the pandemic as an opportunity to change my practice and grow with it.”

Health Practitioner and Clinic Director

“Thank you so much for your invaluable support. You've held this space so well and have helped us all stay on target. Thank you for offering to stay available for this work, which may very well be needed in the coming 12 months, especially when we come to reviewing changes we will implement in due course.”

Private school board member

Transform Scotland logo
Dundee Carer Centre
sbt logo
Living Streets logo
Families Outside logo
Friends of the Earth Scotland logo

Get in touch to learn more with no commitment

If you have questions or would like to have an informal chat, I'm here to listen. My priority is understanding your needs to offer personalised solutions that perfectly align with your business objectives.

In addition to solving immediate challenges, I'm committed to addressing the underlying causes of issues. With extensive experience across various sectors, I can help uncover the root causes of issues and provide solutions that truly address them from the ground up.

Get in touch
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